Catalogue Number: FS-161

Intended Use: RUO
Chromosome: CSP 12
Aliases: GLI
Standard Design: Red ( GLI ) / Green ( CSP12 )
Color: You may also choose the color of the dye to customize the probe to meet your needs. 

This gene encodes a member of the Kruppel family of zinc finger proteins. The encoded transcription factor is activated by the sonic hedgehog signal transduction cascade and regulates stem cell proliferation. The activity and nuclear localization of this protein is negatively regulated by p53 in an inhibitory loop. Multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, May 2009]

Code Test Kits
FS-161-05 5 tests 50 μL
FS-161-10 10 tests 100 μL
FS-161-20 20 tests 200 μL